音乐 Oracle (2022崩坏3「纯真梦歌」线上音乐会现场)-黄霄雲 的MP3下载


音乐名称:Oracle (2022崩坏3「纯真梦歌」线上音乐会现场)-黄霄雲
更新日期:2023-12-16 12:10:55



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好听的音乐:Oracle (2022崩坏3「纯真梦歌」线上音乐会现场)-黄霄雲

崩坏3《Oracle》首唱 - 黄霄雲
Carved on stones
Buried deep in the earth
Long submerged beneath waterfalls
Triggering a thunderstorm
Summoning gusts of wind
Seething waves of sea
Slapping on the reefs
To make a voice
Tell us what to believe without any doubt
Without any doubt never let us down
Tell us when to depart for a promise true
For a promise true despite the day of doom
A bloodline stretches out one more inch
With every heartbeat
Reaches a fingertip that has been staying
At the words on the page
We have grown up before taking heart of grace
Taking heart of grace is how we blaze a way
We still struggle against the fear of being unarmed
The fear of being unarmed keeps our frailty apart
No one would be able to look down upon this world
So one is allowed to be born
We\'ve known what to believe without any doubt
Without any doubt never let us down
We have taken the road for a promise true
For a promise true despite the day of doom

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