音乐 lady1st-橘子海 的MP3下载


更新日期:2022-04-04 17:35:43



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lady1st - 橘子海
编曲Music Arranged by:橘子海 OrangeOcean
制作人Produced by:橘子海 OrangeOcean
制作协力Production Coordinated by:Jeff L/李天衣
录音师Recorded by:卿溪 @ 陋室音乐L.O.W Studio
鼓录音师Drums Recorded by:郎甲•桑杰加 @ 有沐音乐
混音师Mixed by:John Catlin/多斯 @ Studio21A/李天衣
音频编辑Music Edited by:橘子海 OrangeOcean/李天衣/多斯 @ Studio21A
吉他Guitars by:2KM
贝斯Bass by:小路
鼓和打击乐Drums & Percussion by:卿溪
和声编写/和声演绎Backing Vocal Arranged and Performed by:橘子海 OrangeOcean
杜比全景声混音工程师 Dolby Atmos Mixing Engineer:林致远 @ Cashmere Studio(上海)
母带后期Mastered by:John Davis @ Metropolis Studios
语言顾问Language Consultant:哈佛雪梨Xueli_Early
She is so high and she is so hot
She's got too much time to dress up
She is so selfish she is so rich
She has lots of parties to miss
She is so charming she is so cute
Every closet's full of LV
She is so pop and she is so in
Blinking eyes are always fascinating
I'm just a silly boy so I'm lingering around your side
Why don't you set your eyes on me
Tumbling spiraling and wondering is what I'm feeling
My lady 1st I have to forget you
She is so sexy she is a star
Diamond ring on her beautiful scar
She is so heartless she is so tough
Where is your palace my little princess
I'm not a pretty boy so I'm lingering around your side
Why don't you set your eyes on me
Tumbling spiraling and wondering is what I'm feeling
My lady 1st I have to forget you
I'm just a silly boy so I'm lingering around your side
Why don't you set your eyes on me
Tumbling spiraling and wondering is what I'm feeling now
My lady 1st I have to forget you

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