[00:00:00] Clara Bow - Taylor Swift (泰勒·斯威夫特)
[00:03:00] TME享有本翻译作品的著作权
[00:03:00] Lyrics by:Aaron Dessner/Taylor Swift
[00:07:00] Composed by:Aaron Dessner/Taylor Swift
[00:10:00] Arranged by:Bryce Dessner
[00:14:00] Produced by:Aaron Dessner/Taylor Swift
[00:17:00] \"You look like Clara Bow
[00:22:00] 在这耀眼的聚光灯下
[00:22:00] In this light remarkable
[00:26:00] 你宛若克拉拉·鲍
[00:26:00] All your life did you know
[00:31:00] 你这辈子可曾想过
[00:31:00] You\'d be picked like a rose\"
[00:36:00] 你会成为万众瞩目的存在
[00:36:00] \"I\'m not trying to exaggerate
[00:39:00] 我不想夸大其词
[00:39:00] But I think I might die if it happened
[00:42:00] 但我觉得倘若美梦成真 我会兴奋到不能自已
[00:42:00] Die if it happened to me
[00:46:00] 倘若美梦成真 我会兴奋到不能自已
[00:46:00] No one in my small town
[00:48:00] 因为在我的家乡 在这座小镇上
[00:48:00] Thought I\'d see the lights of Manhattan\"
[00:53:00] 没人能想到我会走上曼哈顿的大舞台
[00:53:00] \"This town is fake but you\'re the real thing
[00:58:00] 这座小镇充斥着虚伪 只有你拥有本真的底色
[00:58:00] Breath of fresh air through smoke rings
[01:03:00] 在这乌烟瘴气的大环境里 我就是一股清流
[01:03:00] Take the glory give everything
[01:08:00] 为了收获荣誉 我全力以赴
[01:08:00] Promise to be dazzling\"
[01:22:00] 暗暗发誓要成为夺目闪耀的存在
[01:22:00] \"You look like Stevie Nicks
[01:26:00] 你看起来像极了史蒂薇·尼克斯
[01:26:00] In \'75 the hair and lips
[01:31:00] 红唇秀发 极具75年代的美女特色
[01:31:00] Crowd goes wild at her fingertips
[01:35:00]  一颦一笑间就能迷倒众生
[01:35:00] Half moonshine a full eclipse\"
[01:41:00] 你耀眼又神秘
[01:41:00] \"I\'m not trying to exaggerate
[01:43:00] 我不想夸大其词
[01:43:00] But I think I might die if I made it
[01:47:00] 但我觉得倘若美梦成真 我会兴奋到不能自已
[01:47:00] Die if I made it
[01:51:00] 倘若美梦成真 我会兴奋到不能自已
[01:51:00] No one in my small town
[01:52:00] 因为在我的家乡 在这座小镇上
[01:52:00] Thought I\'d meet these suits in L.A.
[01:55:00] 没人能想到我会在洛杉矶跻身上流社会
[01:55:00] They all wanna say
[01:58:00] 他们都只想说
[01:58:00] \"This town is fake but you\'re the real thing
[02:03:00] 这座小镇充斥着虚伪 只有你拥有本真的底色
[02:03:00] Breath of fresh air through smoke rings
[02:08:00] 在这乌烟瘴气的大环境里 我就是一股清流
[02:08:00] Take the glory give everything
[02:12:00] 为了收获荣誉 我全力以赴
[02:12:00] Promise to be dazzling\"
[02:17:00] 暗暗发誓要成为夺目闪耀的存在
[02:17:00] \"The crown is stained but you\'re the real queen
[02:22:00] 即便名誉受损 你还是真正的女王
[02:22:00] Flesh and blood amongst war machines
[02:26:00] 在冷冰冰的机器面前 你有血有肉有温情
[02:26:00] You\'re the new god we\'re worshipping
[02:31:00] 你才是我们要崇拜的新一代偶像 
[02:31:00] Promise to be dazzling\"
[02:36:00] 暗暗发誓要成为夺目闪耀的存在
[02:36:00] Beauty is a beast that roars
[02:39:00] 美貌仿佛一头咆哮的野兽
[02:39:00] Down on all fours
[02:41:00] 四脚朝地
[02:41:00] Demanding \"More\"
[02:45:00] 贪得无厌
[02:45:00] Only when your girlish glow
[02:48:00] 只有如少女般青春靓丽时
[02:48:00] Flickers just so
[02:50:00] 你才能瞩目全场
[02:50:00] Do they let you know
[02:53:00] 他们有没有告诉你
[02:53:00] It\'s hell on earth to be heavenly
[03:03:00] 想做到极致完美真的很难
[03:03:00] Them\'s the breaks they don\'t come gently
[03:12:00] 毕竟那些人就是要诋毁中伤你 他们来者不善
[03:12:00] \"You look like Taylor Swift
[03:17:00] 你看起来像极了泰勒·斯威夫特
[03:17:00] In this light we\'re loving it
[03:22:00] 其实在这种情况下 我们很乐意听到这句话
[03:22:00] You\'ve got edge she never did
[03:26:00] 毕竟你身上的光彩她不曾有过
[03:26:00] The future\'s bright dazzling\"
[03:31:00] 未来充满希望 无限美好

Clara Bow - Taylor Swift


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歌曲Clara Bow的歌词下载

Clara Bow - Taylor Swift (泰勒·斯威夫特)
Lyrics by:Aaron Dessner/Taylor Swift

Composed by:Aaron Dessner/Taylor Swift

Arranged by:Bryce Dessner

Produced by:Aaron Dessner/Taylor Swift

\"You look like Clara Bow
In this light remarkable
All your life did you know
You\'d be picked like a rose\"
\"I\'m not trying to exaggerate
But I think I might die if it happened
但我觉得倘若美梦成真 我会兴奋到不能自已
Die if it happened to me
倘若美梦成真 我会兴奋到不能自已
No one in my small town
因为在我的家乡 在这座小镇上
Thought I\'d see the lights of Manhattan\"
\"This town is fake but you\'re the real thing
这座小镇充斥着虚伪 只有你拥有本真的底色
Breath of fresh air through smoke rings
在这乌烟瘴气的大环境里 我就是一股清流
Take the glory give everything
为了收获荣誉 我全力以赴
Promise to be dazzling\"
\"You look like Stevie Nicks
In \'75 the hair and lips
红唇秀发 极具75年代的美女特色
Crowd goes wild at her fingertips
Half moonshine a full eclipse\"
\"I\'m not trying to exaggerate
But I think I might die if I made it
但我觉得倘若美梦成真 我会兴奋到不能自已
Die if I made it
倘若美梦成真 我会兴奋到不能自已
No one in my small town
因为在我的家乡 在这座小镇上
Thought I\'d meet these suits in L.A.
They all wanna say
\"This town is fake but you\'re the real thing
这座小镇充斥着虚伪 只有你拥有本真的底色
Breath of fresh air through smoke rings
在这乌烟瘴气的大环境里 我就是一股清流
Take the glory give everything
为了收获荣誉 我全力以赴
Promise to be dazzling\"
\"The crown is stained but you\'re the real queen
即便名誉受损 你还是真正的女王
Flesh and blood amongst war machines
在冷冰冰的机器面前 你有血有肉有温情
You\'re the new god we\'re worshipping
Promise to be dazzling\"
Beauty is a beast that roars
Down on all fours
Demanding \"More\"
Only when your girlish glow
Flickers just so
Do they let you know
It\'s hell on earth to be heavenly
Them\'s the breaks they don\'t come gently
毕竟那些人就是要诋毁中伤你 他们来者不善
\"You look like Taylor Swift
In this light we\'re loving it
其实在这种情况下 我们很乐意听到这句话
You\'ve got edge she never did
The future\'s bright dazzling\"
未来充满希望 无限美好

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