歌曲 #第五人格 #先知 教学小合集。欢迎评论查漏补缺-Unknown Singer 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:#第五人格 #先知 教学小合集。欢迎评论查漏补缺-Unknown Singer
歌手名称:Unknown Singer
更新日期:2024-01-17 09:26:12

#第五人格 #先知 教学小合集。欢迎评论查漏补缺的歌词

[00:00:00] #第五人格 #先知 教学小合集。欢迎评论查漏补缺的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:00:00] #第五人格 #先知 教学小合集。欢迎评论查漏补缺 - 墨尘
[00:03:00] 原曲:Sold Out - Hawk Nelson/Jonathan Steingard
[00:16:00] I ain\'t like no one you met before
[00:19:00] I\'m running for the front
[00:21:00] When they\'re all running for the door
[00:23:00] And I won\'t sit down won\'t back out
[00:26:00] You can\'t ever shut me up
[00:27:00] \'Cause I\'m on a mission
[00:29:00] And I won\'t quit now
[00:31:00] In a world full of followers
[00:34:00] I\'ll be a leader
[00:35:00] In a world full of doubters
[00:37:00] I\'ll be a believer
[00:40:00] I\'m stepping out without a hesitation
[00:44:00] Because the battle\'s already been won
[00:47:00] I\'m sold out
[00:50:00] I\'m no longer living
[00:51:00] Just for myself
[00:53:00] Running after Jesus
[00:55:00] With my whole heart
[00:58:00] And now I\'m ready to shout
[01:01:00] I am sold out
[01:04:00] I\'m sold out
[01:06:00] With every single
[01:07:00] Step that I take now
[01:10:00] With every drop of blood
[01:11:00] Left in my veins
[01:13:00] I\'m gonna be making it count
[01:17:00] I am sold out
[01:20:00] This ain\'t just some

#第五人格 #先知 教学小合集。欢迎评论查漏补缺 - 墨尘
原曲:Sold Out - Hawk Nelson/Jonathan Steingard
I ain\'t like no one you met before
I\'m running for the front
When they\'re all running for the door
And I won\'t sit down won\'t back out
You can\'t ever shut me up
\'Cause I\'m on a mission
And I won\'t quit now
In a world full of followers
I\'ll be a leader
In a world full of doubters
I\'ll be a believer
I\'m stepping out without a hesitation
Because the battle\'s already been won
I\'m sold out
I\'m no longer living
Just for myself
Running after Jesus
With my whole heart
And now I\'m ready to shout
I am sold out
I\'m sold out
With every single
Step that I take now
With every drop of blood
Left in my veins
I\'m gonna be making it count
I am sold out
This ain\'t just some

拾音人音乐网分享 #第五人格 #先知 教学小合集。欢迎评论查漏补缺-Unknown Singer 的音乐歌词下载,最新的音乐LRC歌词下载。


  1. 1、复制歌曲的LRC歌词,保存到txt文件
  2. 2、修改保存好的txt文件后缀为.lrc即可
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