歌曲 Bright Purity-华语群星 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:Bright Purity-华语群星
更新日期:2023-12-24 11:56:27

Bright Purity的歌词

[00:00:00] Bright Purity的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:00:00] Bright Purity - 华语群星
[00:14:00] Uncover let you guide the real me
[00:18:00] 卸下伪装 任由你指引真实的我
[00:18:00] Make it crystal clear no secrets at night
[00:22:00] 坦诚相待 黑夜之中没有任何秘密
[00:22:00] I wanna dive in all your feelings
[00:26:00] 我渴望深入了解你的所有感受
[00:26:00] Redefine everything under your skin
[00:30:00] 重新定义你内心深处的一切
[00:30:00] From shallow to deep
[00:33:00] 由浅及深
[00:33:00] Now hearing the sound resonates from another realm
[00:36:00] 现在用心聆听从另一个世界传来的声音
[00:36:00] My singing bird remember
[00:40:00] 我引吭高歌的鸟儿 请记住
[00:40:00] When night is young and worth to venture
[00:43:00] 当夜色尚早时 值得勇敢冒险
[00:43:00] Keep your eyes on me
[00:45:00] 你的目光落在我身上
[00:45:00] Need me and touch me
[00:46:00] 需要我的陪伴 给我爱抚
[00:46:00] We can be the one sensation
[00:49:00] 我们可以心意相通
[00:49:00] Never been noticed now you\'re shining
[00:52:00] 从未引人注目的你 如今却熠熠生辉
[00:52:00] You are my precious uncut gem
[00:54:00] 你就是我弥足珍贵 未经雕琢的宝石
[00:54:00] Deep in it a magical score
[00:58:00] 沉浸于魔法般的音乐之中
[00:58:00] Play it from heart we\'ll find that symmetry
[01:01:00] 用心演奏这悠扬的乐曲 我们会找到共鸣
[01:01:00] Answer my call when two souls crossing
[01:04:00] 当彼此的灵魂交融时 回应我的呼唤
[01:04:00] Ever feel strong and radiant heat
[01:06:00] 曾经那强烈又炽热的感情
[01:06:00] Say \"be with me\" I\'ll give you my words
[01:12:00] 呢喃着 与我在一起 我会向你许下誓言
[01:12:00] Unbreakable promise of bright purity
[01:29:00] 坚不可摧的承诺闪耀着纯粹的光芒
[01:29:00] Unwritten poems I feel your lips
[01:33:00] 未曾写在纸上的诗歌 我感受你的嘴唇
[01:33:00] Just kiss endlessly no doubt in my mind
[01:37:00] 无休无止地尽情拥吻 我不曾怀疑
[01:37:00] You are the one extraordinary
[01:41:00] 你就是独一无二的存在
[01:41:00] Redefine everything under your skin
[01:45:00] 重新定义你内心深处的一切
[01:45:00] From shallow to deep
[01:48:00] 由浅及深
[01:48:00] Reflect in your eyes
[01:49:00] 映射在你的眼眸之中
[01:49:00] Newborn star\'s awakening
[01:51:00] 横空出世的星辰渐渐苏醒
[01:51:00] My deepest dream dark and sweet
[01:55:00] 我最深邃的梦境 黑暗又迷人
[01:55:00] Turn on every wild fantasy
[01:58:00] 激发每一个疯狂的幻想
[01:58:00] Keep your eyes on me
[02:00:00] 你的目光落在我身上
[02:00:00] Need me and touch me
[02:01:00] 需要我的陪伴 给我爱抚
[02:01:00] We can be the one sensation
[02:04:00] 我们可以心意相通
[02:04:00] Never been noticed now you\'re shining
[02:07:00] 从未引人注目的你 如今却熠熠生辉
[02:07:00] You are my precious uncut gem
[02:09:00] 你就是我弥足珍贵 未经雕琢的宝石
[02:09:00] Can it be
[02:12:00] 能否变成现实
[02:12:00] A powerful spell
[02:13:00] 强大的魔法
[02:13:00] Reveal and link our reality
[02:16:00] 揭露真相 连接我的现实世界
[02:16:00] From every angle you are flawless
[02:19:00] 无论从哪一个角度凝望 你都完美无瑕
[02:19:00] Like the sun warms me in abyss
[02:21:00] 犹如在深渊之中给我温暖的阳光
[02:21:00] Staying with me I\'ll give you my love
[02:27:00] 陪在我的身边 我愿为你付出我的爱
[02:27:00] Unbreakable promise of bright purity
[02:32:00] 坚不可摧的承诺闪耀着纯粹的光芒

Bright Purity - 华语群星

Uncover let you guide the real me
卸下伪装 任由你指引真实的我
Make it crystal clear no secrets at night
坦诚相待 黑夜之中没有任何秘密
I wanna dive in all your feelings
Redefine everything under your skin
From shallow to deep
Now hearing the sound resonates from another realm
My singing bird remember
我引吭高歌的鸟儿 请记住
When night is young and worth to venture
当夜色尚早时 值得勇敢冒险
Keep your eyes on me
Need me and touch me
需要我的陪伴 给我爱抚
We can be the one sensation
Never been noticed now you\'re shining
从未引人注目的你 如今却熠熠生辉
You are my precious uncut gem
你就是我弥足珍贵 未经雕琢的宝石
Deep in it a magical score
Play it from heart we\'ll find that symmetry
用心演奏这悠扬的乐曲 我们会找到共鸣
Answer my call when two souls crossing
当彼此的灵魂交融时 回应我的呼唤
Ever feel strong and radiant heat
Say \"be with me\" I\'ll give you my words
呢喃着 与我在一起 我会向你许下誓言
Unbreakable promise of bright purity
Unwritten poems I feel your lips
未曾写在纸上的诗歌 我感受你的嘴唇
Just kiss endlessly no doubt in my mind
无休无止地尽情拥吻 我不曾怀疑
You are the one extraordinary
Redefine everything under your skin
From shallow to deep
Reflect in your eyes
Newborn star\'s awakening
My deepest dream dark and sweet
我最深邃的梦境 黑暗又迷人
Turn on every wild fantasy
Keep your eyes on me
Need me and touch me
需要我的陪伴 给我爱抚
We can be the one sensation
Never been noticed now you\'re shining
从未引人注目的你 如今却熠熠生辉
You are my precious uncut gem
你就是我弥足珍贵 未经雕琢的宝石
Can it be
A powerful spell
Reveal and link our reality
揭露真相 连接我的现实世界
From every angle you are flawless
无论从哪一个角度凝望 你都完美无瑕
Like the sun warms me in abyss
Staying with me I\'ll give you my love
陪在我的身边 我愿为你付出我的爱
Unbreakable promise of bright purity

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