歌曲 Lotus-Osvaldorio&Wiana&Galdive 的LRC歌词下载


更新日期:2023-05-20 16:07:02


[00:00:00] Lotus的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:00:00] Lotus - Osvaldorio/Wiana/Galdive
[00:00:00] Hope is just a fantasy I\'ll never get from you
[00:10:00] 希望只是一场幻梦 我永远得不到你的答复
[00:10:00] You you 
[00:13:00] 你 你
[00:13:00] You are the petals of the life you slowly growing on me
[00:24:00] 你就是我生命的花蕊 在我身上慢慢绽放舒展
[00:24:00] Me on you you on me us 
[00:31:00] 我们心心相印 不分彼此
[00:31:00] We could be the king and queen if you want to
[00:35:00] 只要你想 我们可以成为国王与王后
[00:35:00] We could find a getaway if you need to
[00:39:00] 如果你需要 我们可以逃离纷繁
[00:39:00] I do it all for you I do it all for you
[00:43:00] 我做这一切都是为了你 我做这一切都是为了你
[00:43:00] I do it all of you
[00:46:00] 我会为你赴汤蹈火
[00:46:00] The sun and the moon won\'t know what we\'d be up to
[00:51:00] 日月不知我们有何打算
[00:51:00] The God is wrong if he won\'t let me love you
[00:54:00] 如果不让我爱你 那上帝就大错特错了
[00:54:00] Love you
[00:55:00] 爱你
[00:55:00] With all I have
[00:57:00] 倾尽一切
[00:57:00] With all my faith
[01:34:00] 满怀信念
[01:34:00] Hope is just a fantasy I\'ll never get from you
[01:44:00] 希望只是幻梦一场 我永远得不到你的答复
[01:44:00] You you 
[01:47:00] 你 你
[01:47:00] You are the petals of the life you slowly growing on me
[01:58:00] 你就是我生命的花蕊 在我身上慢慢绽放舒展
[01:58:00] Me on you you on me us 
[02:05:00] 我们心心相印 不分彼此
[02:05:00] We could be the king and queen if you want to
[02:09:00] 只要你想 我们可以成为国王与王后
[02:09:00] We could find a getaway if you need to
[02:12:00] 如果你需要 我们可以逃离纷繁
[02:12:00] I do it all for you I do it all for you
[02:17:00] 我做这一切都是为了你 我做这一切都是为了你
[02:17:00] I do it all of you
[02:20:00] 我会为你赴汤蹈火
[02:20:00] The sun and the moon won\'t know what we\'d be up to
[02:24:00] 日月不知我们有何打算
[02:24:00] The God is wrong if he won\'t let me love you
[02:28:00] 如果不让我爱你 那上帝就大错特错了
[02:28:00] Love you
[02:29:00] 爱你
[02:29:00] With all I have
[02:31:00] 倾尽一切
[02:31:00] With all my faith
[02:31:00] 满怀信念

Lotus - Osvaldorio/Wiana/Galdive
Hope is just a fantasy I\'ll never get from you
希望只是一场幻梦 我永远得不到你的答复
You you
你 你
You are the petals of the life you slowly growing on me
你就是我生命的花蕊 在我身上慢慢绽放舒展
Me on you you on me us
我们心心相印 不分彼此
We could be the king and queen if you want to
只要你想 我们可以成为国王与王后
We could find a getaway if you need to
如果你需要 我们可以逃离纷繁
I do it all for you I do it all for you
我做这一切都是为了你 我做这一切都是为了你
I do it all of you
The sun and the moon won\'t know what we\'d be up to
The God is wrong if he won\'t let me love you
如果不让我爱你 那上帝就大错特错了
Love you
With all I have
With all my faith
Hope is just a fantasy I\'ll never get from you
希望只是幻梦一场 我永远得不到你的答复
You you
你 你
You are the petals of the life you slowly growing on me
你就是我生命的花蕊 在我身上慢慢绽放舒展
Me on you you on me us
我们心心相印 不分彼此
We could be the king and queen if you want to
只要你想 我们可以成为国王与王后
We could find a getaway if you need to
如果你需要 我们可以逃离纷繁
I do it all for you I do it all for you
我做这一切都是为了你 我做这一切都是为了你
I do it all of you
The sun and the moon won\'t know what we\'d be up to
The God is wrong if he won\'t let me love you
如果不让我爱你 那上帝就大错特错了
Love you
With all I have
With all my faith

拾音人音乐网分享 Lotus-Osvaldorio&Wiana&Galdive 的音乐歌词下载,最新的音乐LRC歌词下载。


  1. 1、复制歌曲的LRC歌词,保存到txt文件
  2. 2、修改保存好的txt文件后缀为.lrc即可
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