歌曲 Merry Me (cover: Deeva Music)(Live)-鵼仙鱼 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:Merry Me (cover: Deeva Music)(Live)-鵼仙鱼
更新日期:2023-04-10 11:52:13

Merry Me (cover: Deeva Music)(Live)的歌词

[00:00:00] Merry Me (cover: Deeva Music)(Live)的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:01:00] Merry me
[00:02:00] Wo oh wo wo oh wo
[00:27:00] Wo oh wo wo oh wo
[00:50:00] Because of you the only person who enters my heart
[00:54:00] You are like the liveliness
[00:56:00] Oh you are
[00:59:00] The one that makes me so happy
[01:06:00] So please Merry me
[01:08:00] Never thought I\'d be like this
[01:25:00] Be a person who is madly in love with someone
[01:30:00] But it is you whi makes every slow time
[01:35:00] Go faster than before
[01:42:00] On you the liveliness has come to run in my heart
[01:49:00] Fly in here all the time
[01:51:00] If so then I have to tell you
[01:57:00] Can you stay together for a long time
[02:01:00] Because of you the only person who enters my heart
[02:04:00] It\'s like liveliness
[02:05:00] Oh you\'re
[02:05:00] The one who makes me so happy
[02:12:00] Only you can makes my night and day
[02:14:00] A dream comes ture
[02:18:00] You\'re my all and everything
[02:27:00] So please Merry Me my everything
[02:34:00] Wo oh
[02:34:00] So please Merry me
[02:45:00] Oh you the liveliness has come to run in my heart
[02:49:00] Fly in here all the time
[02:51:00] If so then I have to tell you
[02:56:00] Can you stay together for a long time
[02:58:00] Because of you the only person who enters my heart
[03:02:00] It\'s like liveliness
[03:08:00] Oh you\'re
[03:09:00] The one who makes me so happy
[03:16:00] Only you can makes my night and day
[03:20:00] A dream comes ture
[03:31:00] You\'re my all and everything
[03:35:00] So please Merry Me my everything
[03:41:00] Wo oh
[03:45:00] So please Merry me

Merry me
Wo oh wo wo oh wo
Wo oh wo wo oh wo
Because of you the only person who enters my heart
You are like the liveliness
Oh you are
The one that makes me so happy
So please Merry me
Never thought I\'d be like this
Be a person who is madly in love with someone
But it is you whi makes every slow time
Go faster than before
On you the liveliness has come to run in my heart
Fly in here all the time
If so then I have to tell you
Can you stay together for a long time
Because of you the only person who enters my heart
It\'s like liveliness
Oh you\'re
The one who makes me so happy
Only you can makes my night and day
A dream comes ture
You\'re my all and everything
So please Merry Me my everything
Wo oh
So please Merry me
Oh you the liveliness has come to run in my heart
Fly in here all the time
If so then I have to tell you
Can you stay together for a long time
Because of you the only person who enters my heart
It\'s like liveliness
Oh you\'re
The one who makes me so happy
Only you can makes my night and day
A dream comes ture
You\'re my all and everything
So please Merry Me my everything
Wo oh
So please Merry me

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