[00:00:00] HOPE - NF
[00:00:00] QQ音乐享有本翻译作品的著作权
[00:00:00] Lyrics by:Tommee Profitt/Nate Feuerstein
[00:00:00] Composed by:Tommee Profitt/Nate Feuerstein
[00:00:00] Hope
[00:04:00] 希望
[00:04:00] I\'m on my way I\'m comin\'
[00:09:00] 我已经在路上 就要来到你身边
[00:09:00] Don\'t don\'t lose faith in me
[00:15:00] 不要对我失去希望
[00:15:00] I know you\'ve been waitin\'
[00:20:00] 我知道你已经等待太久
[00:20:00] Know you\'ve been prayin\' for my soul
[00:25:00] 我知道你一直在为我的灵魂祈祷
[00:25:00] Hope hope
[00:33:00] 希望 希望
[00:33:00] Thirty years you been draggin\' your feet
[00:36:00] 三十年来 你不情不愿
[00:36:00] Tellin\' me I\'m the reason we\'re stagnant
[00:40:00] 说我们两人关系停滞不前都是我的问题
[00:40:00] Thirty years you\'ve been claimin\' you\'re honest and promisin\' progress
[00:45:00] 三十年来 你口口声声自己忠贞不二 说我们的明天一定会更好
[00:45:00] But where\'s it at
[00:48:00] 但是所谓的明天在哪里
[00:48:00] I don\'t want you to feel like a failure
[00:52:00] 我不希望你自暴自弃
[00:52:00] I know this hurts
[00:55:00] 我明白这种感觉让人心碎
[00:55:00] But I gave you your chance to deliver
[00:59:00] 但是我已经给了你表现的机会
[00:59:00] Now it\'s my turn
[01:02:00] 现在轮到我出场
[01:02:00] Don\'t get me wrong Nate you\'ve had a great run
[01:09:00] 不要误会 Nate 一路走来你干得漂亮
[01:09:00] But it\'s time to give the people somethin\' different
[01:16:00] 但是现在 是时候呈现一些不一样的东西
[01:16:00] So without further ado I\'d like to introduce my
[01:23:00] 那么 事不宜迟 请让我隆重介绍我的
[01:23:00] My album my album my album my album
[01:26:00] 我的专辑
[01:26:00] My album my album my album
[01:29:00] 我的专辑
[01:29:00] HOPE
[01:31:00] 希望
[01:31:00] What\'s my definition of success
[01:35:00] 我如何定义成功
[01:35:00] Listening to what your heart says
[01:38:00] 那就是 倾听内心的声音
[01:38:00] Standing up for what you know is
[01:40:00] 勇敢站出来 守护那些你熟知的
[01:40:00] Right while everybody else is
[01:42:00] 正确的事情 即使其他人都
[01:42:00] Tucking their tail between their legs
[01:44:00] 畏首畏尾 不愿露面
[01:44:00] Okay
[01:45:00] What\'s my definition of success
[01:47:00] 我如何定义成功
[01:47:00] Success
[01:49:00] 成功就是
[01:49:00] Creating something no one else can
[01:53:00] 创造其他人无法创造的
[01:53:00] Bein\' brave enough to dream big
[01:54:00] 鼓起勇气 心怀大梦
[01:54:00] Grindin\' when you\'re told to just quit
[01:56:00] 即使他人都叫你放弃 也要咬紧牙关
[01:56:00] Givin\' more when you got nothin\' left
[01:58:00] 就算你已一无所有 也要奉献更多
[01:58:00] It\'s a person that\'ll take a chance on
[02:00:00] 这样的人勇于冒险
[02:00:00] Somethin\' they were told could never happen
[02:01:00] 即使旁人都认为不可能成功
[02:01:00] It\'s a person that can see the bright side
[02:03:00] 这样的人总能看到希望
[02:03:00] Through the dark times when there ain\'t one
[02:05:00] 即使身边笼罩无边黑夜 看不到一丝光亮
[02:05:00] It\'s when someone who ain\'t never had nothin\'
[02:07:00] 这样的人 即便从未大富大贵
[02:07:00] Ain\'t afraid to walk away from more profit
[02:09:00] 却依然能够抵挡利益的诱惑
[02:09:00] \'Cause they\'d rather do somethin\' that they really love
[02:11:00] 宁愿从事内心热爱的事业
[02:11:00] And take the pay cut
[02:12:00] 收入减少也心甘情愿
[02:12:00] It\'s a person that would never waiver
[02:14:00] 这样的人从不委曲求全
[02:14:00] Or change who they are
[02:15:00] 从不改变内心的模样
[02:15:00] Just to try to and gain some credibility
[02:17:00] 来获得可怜的一点信任
[02:17:00] So they could feel accepted by a stranger
[02:19:00] 来获得陌生人无谓的认可
[02:19:00] It\'s a person that can take the failures in their life
[02:21:00] 这样的人 勇于面对人生的失败
[02:21:00] And turn them into motivation
[02:23:00] 将失败化作动力
[02:23:00] It\'s believing in yourself when no one else does
[02:26:00] 成功就是 即便没有一个人相信你 也要相信你自己
[02:26:00] It\'s amazing
[02:26:00] 这感觉如此美妙
[02:26:00] What a little bit of faith can do
[02:28:00] 希望又有什么用
[02:28:00] If you don\'t even believe in you
[02:30:00] 如果连你也不相信你自己 那么希望毫无意义
[02:30:00] Why would you think or expect anybody else that\'s around you to
[02:34:00] 你又如何指望身边人能对你抱有希望
[02:34:00] I done did things that I regret
[02:35:00] 令我后悔的事 我不愿再做
[02:35:00] I done said things I can\'t take back
[02:37:00] 无法收回的话 我不愿再说
[02:37:00] Was a lost soul at a cross road who had no hope
[02:40:00] 曾迷失自我 如游魂般站在十字路口 看不到希望
[02:40:00] But I changed that
[02:41:00] 但是我已经改变
[02:41:00] I spent years of my life holdin\' on to things I never should\'ve kept
[02:44:00] 过去几十年 我执着于本不该犯的错误
[02:44:00] Full of hatred
[02:45:00] 内心满是仇恨
[02:45:00] Years of my life carryin\' a lot of baggage
[02:47:00] 人生几十年 我背负太多重量
[02:47:00] That I should\'ve walked away from
[02:48:00] 我早该将它们抛下
[02:48:00] Years of my life wishin\' I was someone different
[02:50:00] 人生几十年 我一直期望成为另一个人
[02:50:00] Lookin\' for some validation
[02:52:00] 渴望获得别人的认可
[02:52:00] Years of my life tryna fill the void pretending I was in
[02:54:00] 人生几十年 我填补着内心并不存在的空虚
[02:54:00] They get it
[02:55:00] 他们会明白
[02:55:00] Growing pain\'s a necessary evil
[02:57:00] 成长的痛苦是绕不过去的挑战
[02:57:00] Difficult to go through yes but beneficial
[02:58:00] 困难重重但却对你有益
[02:58:00] Some would say having a mental breakdown is a negative thing
[03:01:00] 有人说内心崩溃是一件坏事
[03:01:00] Which on one hand I agree with
[03:02:00] 一方面 我同意这个观点
[03:02:00] On the other hand it was the push I needed
[03:04:00] 另一方面 我也需要这股推力
[03:04:00] To get help and start the healing process see
[03:06:00] 它让我得到帮助 开启疗愈的旅程 你看
[03:06:00] If I\'d have never hit rock bottom
[03:07:00] 假如我从未跌落谷底
[03:07:00] Would I be the person that I am today
[03:09:00] 是否还能成为今天的我
[03:09:00] I don\'t believe so
[03:09:00] 我不这么认为
[03:09:00] I\'m a prime example of what happens when you
[03:11:00] 我就是活生生的例子 向你展示
[03:11:00] Choose to not accept defeat and face your demons
[03:13:00] 如果拒绝接受失败 直面内心恶魔 结局究竟如何
[03:13:00] Took me thirty years to realize that if you
[03:15:00] 我用了三十年才明白
[03:15:00] Wanna get the opportunity to be the greatest version of yourself
[03:18:00] 如果你想抓住机遇 成为最好的自己
[03:18:00] Sometimes you got to be someone you\'re not
[03:19:00] 有时你必须改变自己
[03:19:00] To hear the voice of reason
[03:20:00] 必须倾听理性的声音
[03:20:00] Having kids will make you really take a step back
[03:22:00] 有了孩子后 人会变得小心谨慎
[03:22:00] And look in the mirror
[03:23:00] 时常自省
[03:23:00] At least for me that\'s what it did I
[03:24:00] 至少我是如此
[03:24:00] Wake up every day and pick my son up
[03:26:00] 我每天早上醒来就抱起我的儿子
[03:26:00] Hold him in my arms and let him know he\'s loved
[03:27:00] 把他抱在怀里 让他知道有人深爱着他
[03:27:00] Loved
[03:28:00] 有人深爱着他
[03:28:00] Standing by the window questioning if dad is ever going to show up
[03:31:00] 站在窗边 不知道今天能不能见到爸爸
[03:31:00] Up
[03:31:00] 见到爸爸
[03:31:00] Isn\'t something he\'s goin\' to have to worry \'bout
[03:33:00] 绝不是他需要担心的问题
[03:33:00] Don\'t get it twisted that wasn\'t a shot
[03:34:00] 不要误入歧途 这不值得你尝试
[03:34:00] Mama I forgive you
[03:35:00] 妈妈 我原谅你
[03:35:00] I just don\'t want him to grow up thinkin\' that he\'ll never be enough
[03:38:00] 我只是不希望我的儿子在成长过程中觉得自己不够好 不配得到父母的爱
[03:38:00] Thirty years of running thirty years of searching
[03:40:00] 三十年的奔跑 三十年的寻找
[03:40:00] Thirty years of hurting thirty years of pain
[03:41:00] 三十年的创伤 三十年的痛苦
[03:41:00] Thirty years of fearful thirty years of anger
[03:43:00] 三十年的恐惧 三十年的愤怒
[03:43:00] Thirty years of empty thirty years of shame
[03:45:00] 三十年的失落 三十年的耻辱
[03:45:00] Thirty years of broken thirty years of anguish
[03:47:00] 三十年的心碎 三十年的苦闷
[03:47:00] Thirty years of hopeless thirty years of
[03:48:00] 三十年的绝望 三十年的
[03:48:00] Hey
[03:48:00] Thirty years of never thirty years of maybe
[03:50:00] 三十年的永不 三十年的也许
[03:50:00] Thirty years of later thirty years of fake
[03:52:00] 三十年的拖延 三十年的虚伪
[03:52:00] Thirty years of hollow thirty years of sorrow
[03:54:00] 三十年的空虚 三十年的哀伤
[03:54:00] Thirty years of darkness thirty years of
[03:55:00] 三十年的黑暗 三十年的
[03:55:00] Nate
[03:56:00] Thirty years of baggage thirty years of sadness
[03:57:00] 三十年的重压 三十年的悲愁
[03:57:00] Thirty years of stagnant thirty years of chains
[03:59:00] 三十年的停滞 三十年的枷锁
[03:59:00] Thirty years of anxious thirty years of suffering
[04:01:00] 三十年的不安 三十年的折磨
[04:01:00] Thirty years of torment thirty years of
[04:03:00] 三十年的煎熬 三十年的
[04:03:00] Wait
[04:03:00] 等等
[04:03:00] Thirty years of bitter thirty years of lonely
[04:05:00] 三十年的苦楚 三十年的寂寞
[04:05:00] Thirty years of pushing everyone away
[04:06:00] 整整三十年 我将所有人拒之门外
[04:06:00] You\'ll never evolve
[04:07:00] 你永远无法飞跃
[04:07:00] I know I can change
[04:08:00] 我知道我可以改变
[04:08:00] We are not enough
[04:09:00] 我们还不够好
[04:09:00] We are not the same
[04:10:00] 我和你们绝非同类
[04:10:00] You don\'t have the heart
[04:11:00] 你没有勇气
[04:11:00] You don\'t have the strength
[04:12:00] 你没有我的力量
[04:12:00] You don\'t have the will
[04:13:00] 你没有斗志
[04:13:00] You don\'t have the faith
[04:13:00] 你没有我的信念
[04:13:00] You\'ll never be loved you\'ll never be safe
[04:15:00] 你永远不会得到爱 你永远得不到安全感
[04:15:00] Might as well give up
[04:16:00] 劝你早点放弃
[04:16:00] Not running away
[04:17:00] 我绝不会逃跑
[04:17:00] You don\'t have the guts
[04:18:00] 你没有那个胆量
[04:18:00] You\'re the one afraid
[04:19:00] 你才是瑟瑟发抖的那个人
[04:19:00] I\'m the one in charge
[04:20:00] 我掌控一切
[04:20:00] I\'m taking the
[04:20:00] 我要握紧这
[04:20:00] No
[04:21:00] 不
[04:21:00] I\'m taking the
[04:22:00] 我要握紧这
[04:22:00] Reins
[04:27:00] 命运的缰绳






Lyrics by:Tommee Profitt/Nate Feuerstein

Composed by:Tommee Profitt/Nate Feuerstein

I\'m on my way I\'m comin\'
我已经在路上 就要来到你身边
Don\'t don\'t lose faith in me
I know you\'ve been waitin\'
Know you\'ve been prayin\' for my soul
Hope hope
希望 希望
Thirty years you been draggin\' your feet
三十年来 你不情不愿
Tellin\' me I\'m the reason we\'re stagnant
Thirty years you\'ve been claimin\' you\'re honest and promisin\' progress
三十年来 你口口声声自己忠贞不二 说我们的明天一定会更好
But where\'s it at
I don\'t want you to feel like a failure
I know this hurts
But I gave you your chance to deliver
Now it\'s my turn
Don\'t get me wrong Nate you\'ve had a great run
不要误会 Nate 一路走来你干得漂亮
But it\'s time to give the people somethin\' different
但是现在 是时候呈现一些不一样的东西
So without further ado I\'d like to introduce my
那么 事不宜迟 请让我隆重介绍我的
My album my album my album my album
My album my album my album
What\'s my definition of success
Listening to what your heart says
那就是 倾听内心的声音
Standing up for what you know is
勇敢站出来 守护那些你熟知的
Right while everybody else is
正确的事情 即使其他人都
Tucking their tail between their legs
畏首畏尾 不愿露面

What\'s my definition of success
Creating something no one else can
Bein\' brave enough to dream big
鼓起勇气 心怀大梦
Grindin\' when you\'re told to just quit
即使他人都叫你放弃 也要咬紧牙关
Givin\' more when you got nothin\' left
就算你已一无所有 也要奉献更多
It\'s a person that\'ll take a chance on
Somethin\' they were told could never happen
It\'s a person that can see the bright side
Through the dark times when there ain\'t one
即使身边笼罩无边黑夜 看不到一丝光亮
It\'s when someone who ain\'t never had nothin\'
这样的人 即便从未大富大贵
Ain\'t afraid to walk away from more profit
\'Cause they\'d rather do somethin\' that they really love
And take the pay cut
It\'s a person that would never waiver
Or change who they are
Just to try to and gain some credibility
So they could feel accepted by a stranger
It\'s a person that can take the failures in their life
这样的人 勇于面对人生的失败
And turn them into motivation
It\'s believing in yourself when no one else does
成功就是 即便没有一个人相信你 也要相信你自己
It\'s amazing
What a little bit of faith can do
If you don\'t even believe in you
如果连你也不相信你自己 那么希望毫无意义
Why would you think or expect anybody else that\'s around you to
I done did things that I regret
令我后悔的事 我不愿再做
I done said things I can\'t take back
无法收回的话 我不愿再说
Was a lost soul at a cross road who had no hope
曾迷失自我 如游魂般站在十字路口 看不到希望
But I changed that
I spent years of my life holdin\' on to things I never should\'ve kept
过去几十年 我执着于本不该犯的错误
Full of hatred
Years of my life carryin\' a lot of baggage
人生几十年 我背负太多重量
That I should\'ve walked away from
Years of my life wishin\' I was someone different
人生几十年 我一直期望成为另一个人
Lookin\' for some validation
Years of my life tryna fill the void pretending I was in
人生几十年 我填补着内心并不存在的空虚
They get it
Growing pain\'s a necessary evil
Difficult to go through yes but beneficial
Some would say having a mental breakdown is a negative thing
Which on one hand I agree with
一方面 我同意这个观点
On the other hand it was the push I needed
另一方面 我也需要这股推力
To get help and start the healing process see
它让我得到帮助 开启疗愈的旅程 你看
If I\'d have never hit rock bottom
Would I be the person that I am today
I don\'t believe so
I\'m a prime example of what happens when you
我就是活生生的例子 向你展示
Choose to not accept defeat and face your demons
如果拒绝接受失败 直面内心恶魔 结局究竟如何
Took me thirty years to realize that if you
Wanna get the opportunity to be the greatest version of yourself
如果你想抓住机遇 成为最好的自己
Sometimes you got to be someone you\'re not
To hear the voice of reason
Having kids will make you really take a step back
有了孩子后 人会变得小心谨慎
And look in the mirror
At least for me that\'s what it did I
Wake up every day and pick my son up
Hold him in my arms and let him know he\'s loved
把他抱在怀里 让他知道有人深爱着他
Standing by the window questioning if dad is ever going to show up
站在窗边 不知道今天能不能见到爸爸
Isn\'t something he\'s goin\' to have to worry \'bout
Don\'t get it twisted that wasn\'t a shot
不要误入歧途 这不值得你尝试
Mama I forgive you
妈妈 我原谅你
I just don\'t want him to grow up thinkin\' that he\'ll never be enough
我只是不希望我的儿子在成长过程中觉得自己不够好 不配得到父母的爱
Thirty years of running thirty years of searching
三十年的奔跑 三十年的寻找
Thirty years of hurting thirty years of pain
三十年的创伤 三十年的痛苦
Thirty years of fearful thirty years of anger
三十年的恐惧 三十年的愤怒
Thirty years of empty thirty years of shame
三十年的失落 三十年的耻辱
Thirty years of broken thirty years of anguish
三十年的心碎 三十年的苦闷
Thirty years of hopeless thirty years of
三十年的绝望 三十年的

Thirty years of never thirty years of maybe
三十年的永不 三十年的也许
Thirty years of later thirty years of fake
三十年的拖延 三十年的虚伪
Thirty years of hollow thirty years of sorrow
三十年的空虚 三十年的哀伤
Thirty years of darkness thirty years of
三十年的黑暗 三十年的

Thirty years of baggage thirty years of sadness
三十年的重压 三十年的悲愁
Thirty years of stagnant thirty years of chains
三十年的停滞 三十年的枷锁
Thirty years of anxious thirty years of suffering
三十年的不安 三十年的折磨
Thirty years of torment thirty years of
三十年的煎熬 三十年的
Thirty years of bitter thirty years of lonely
三十年的苦楚 三十年的寂寞
Thirty years of pushing everyone away
整整三十年 我将所有人拒之门外
You\'ll never evolve
I know I can change
We are not enough
We are not the same
You don\'t have the heart
You don\'t have the strength
You don\'t have the will
You don\'t have the faith
You\'ll never be loved you\'ll never be safe
你永远不会得到爱 你永远得不到安全感
Might as well give up
Not running away
You don\'t have the guts
You\'re the one afraid
I\'m the one in charge
I\'m taking the

I\'m taking the

