[00:13:00] Hunger for the sleep I know will never come
[00:20:00] Crowded is the space but don't have anyone
[00:26:00] I could read the bible to drown out the hum
[00:33:00] Avoid the voices of the chord
[00:40:00] All the roads inside my head loop back to you
[00:47:00] I've done many things I thought I'd never do
[00:53:00] It's you that I can feel
[00:58:00] But I keep my hands upon the wheel
[01:05:00] I turn the page to drown you out
[01:12:00] You are the only thing that I still care about
[01:19:00] If I can heal the conflict that's within
[01:25:00] I'll know the war has reached the bitter end
[01:35:00] Ocean, you're calling me
[01:42:00] A place with no memory
[01:47:00] You'll see!
[01:48:00] I burned the blood
[01:50:00] I passed the test
[01:51:00] And now my love is laid to rest
[01:55:00] Our names aren't written on the list
[02:00:00] I turn the page to drown you out
[02:06:00] You are the only thing that I still care about
[02:13:00] If I can heal the conflict that's within
[02:20:00] I'll know the war has reached the bitter end
[02:29:00] Ocean, you're calling me
[02:36:00] A place with no memory
[02:41:00] You'll see!
[02:42:00] I burned the blood
[02:44:00] I passed the test
[02:46:00] And now my love is laid to rest
[02:49:00] Our names aren't written on the list
[02:52:00] but you and I know we exist

Voices of the Chord (cover: 澤野弘之) - 梦珑拌饭


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歌曲Voices of the Chord (cover: 澤野弘之)的歌词下载

Hunger for the sleep I know will never come
Crowded is the space but don't have anyone
I could read the bible to drown out the hum
Avoid the voices of the chord
All the roads inside my head loop back to you
I've done many things I thought I'd never do
It's you that I can feel
But I keep my hands upon the wheel
I turn the page to drown you out
You are the only thing that I still care about
If I can heal the conflict that's within
I'll know the war has reached the bitter end
Ocean, you're calling me
A place with no memory
You'll see!
I burned the blood
I passed the test
And now my love is laid to rest
Our names aren't written on the list
I turn the page to drown you out
You are the only thing that I still care about
If I can heal the conflict that's within
I'll know the war has reached the bitter end
Ocean, you're calling me
A place with no memory
You'll see!
I burned the blood
I passed the test
And now my love is laid to rest
Our names aren't written on the list
but you and I know we exist

拾音人音乐网提供梦珑拌饭-Voices of the Chord (cover: 澤野弘之)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Voices of the Chord (cover: 澤野弘之)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
