歌曲 Kiss Me (TV Size)-Nai Br.XX&Celeina Ann 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:Kiss Me (TV Size)-Nai Br.XX&Celeina Ann
歌手名称:Nai Br.XX&Celeina Ann
专辑名称:Kiss Me / Hold Me Now
更新日期:2019-07-11 14:26:00

Kiss Me (TV Size)的歌词

[00:00:00] Kiss Me (TV Size)的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:00:00] Kiss Me (TV Size) (《卡罗尔与星期二》TV动画片头曲) - Nai Br.XX&Celeina Ann (セレイナ アン)
[00:01:00] Lyrics by:Nulbarich
[00:01:00] Composed by:Nulbarich
[00:03:00] Celeina Ann:
[00:10:00] It"s hard to be a normal person that"s just not me
[00:15:00] 我无法做一个被社会接纳的普通人 那不是真正的我
[00:15:00] I"m writing a journal to keep my feelings hiding
[00:20:00] 我不停地写日记 只为掩饰心中的想法
[00:20:00] I cross the bridge what would I see
[00:22:00] 当我走过那座桥时 我会看到什么
[00:22:00] Want to see it dreaming my dreams
[00:25:00] 想要看到我的梦想实现
[00:25:00] Miracles beautiful here we go all the way
[00:29:00] 奇迹也好 美景也罢 我们一路向前
[00:29:00] Nai Br.XX:
[00:30:00] Running from my life
[00:31:00] 逃离现实生活
[00:31:00] It"s no use to keep holding back my thoughts
[00:34:00] 再也不想压抑自己心中的冲动
[00:34:00] It would be wrong if you"re gone
[00:35:00] 你要是走了 那就错了
[00:35:00] Found my way through the stars
[00:38:00] 在星空下 摸索着向前
[00:38:00] If I could reach to your heart
[00:40:00] 如果我能走进你的心里该多好
[00:40:00] Money still can"t buy me love
[00:42:00] 金钱无法买到爱
[00:42:00] But there"s still life when there"s hope around
[00:45:00] 但只要希望还在 生活就要继续
[00:45:00] Like a rainbow in the clouds a gift from above
[00:49:00] 像是云中的彩虹 像是从天而降的礼物
[00:49:00] Celeina Ann&Nai Br.XX:
[00:52:00] Kiss me before sunrise
[00:57:00] 在日出之前 给我一个吻吧
[00:57:00] Or I"m leaving you tonight
[01:02:00] 否则我今晚就离开
[01:02:00] My love found a place
[01:04:00] 我的爱终于找到归宿
[01:04:00] To stay and rest like that
[01:07:00] 可以稍作停留 好好休息
[01:07:00] Always stayin" forever meant to be together
[01:12:00] 永远陪伴在此 这是我的使命
[01:12:00] If we could change this world
[01:17:00] 如果今日 我们能和你一起
[01:17:00] Today with you
[01:18:00] 改变整个世界该多好

Kiss Me (TV Size) (《卡罗尔与星期二》TV动画片头曲) - Nai Br.XX&Celeina Ann (セレイナ アン)
Lyrics by:Nulbarich
Composed by:Nulbarich
Celeina Ann:
It"s hard to be a normal person that"s just not me
我无法做一个被社会接纳的普通人 那不是真正的我
I"m writing a journal to keep my feelings hiding
我不停地写日记 只为掩饰心中的想法
I cross the bridge what would I see
当我走过那座桥时 我会看到什么
Want to see it dreaming my dreams
Miracles beautiful here we go all the way
奇迹也好 美景也罢 我们一路向前
Nai Br.XX:
Running from my life
It"s no use to keep holding back my thoughts
It would be wrong if you"re gone
你要是走了 那就错了
Found my way through the stars
在星空下 摸索着向前
If I could reach to your heart
Money still can"t buy me love
But there"s still life when there"s hope around
但只要希望还在 生活就要继续
Like a rainbow in the clouds a gift from above
像是云中的彩虹 像是从天而降的礼物
Celeina Ann&Nai Br.XX:
Kiss me before sunrise
在日出之前 给我一个吻吧
Or I"m leaving you tonight
My love found a place
To stay and rest like that
可以稍作停留 好好休息
Always stayin" forever meant to be together
永远陪伴在此 这是我的使命
If we could change this world
如果今日 我们能和你一起
Today with you

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