歌曲 For Emma-Bon Iver 的LRC歌词下载


音乐名称:For Emma-Bon Iver
歌手名称:Bon Iver
专辑名称:For Emma, Forever Ago
更新日期:2019-02-18 19:24:15

For Emma的歌词

[00:00:00] For Emma的LRC歌词,下载歌词请复制下面的内容保存为.lrc文件
[00:02:00] Ti: For Emma
[00:12:00] Ar: Bon Iver
[00:22:00] Al: For Emma, Forever Ago
[00:37:00] So apropos
[00:45:00] Saw death on a sunny snow
[00:50:00] For every life
[00:55:00] Forgo the parable.
[00:59:00] Seek the light
[01:03:00] My knees are cold.
[01:08:00] Running home...
[01:23:00] Go find another lover,
[01:29:00] To bring a... to string along!
[01:36:00] With all your lies,
[01:40:00] You're still very lovable.
[01:45:00] I toured the light,
[01:49:00] So many foreign roads
[01:55:00] For Emma,
[01:59:00] Forever ago...
[03:20:00] - The End -

Ti: For Emma
Ar: Bon Iver
Al: For Emma, Forever Ago
So apropos
Saw death on a sunny snow
For every life
Forgo the parable.
Seek the light
My knees are cold.
Running home...
Go find another lover,
To bring a... to string along!
With all your lies,
You're still very lovable.
I toured the light,
So many foreign roads
For Emma,
Forever ago...
- The End -

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  1. 1、复制歌曲的LRC歌词,保存到txt文件
  2. 2、修改保存好的txt文件后缀为.lrc即可
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