Till It Happens To You 1080P -- Lady Gaga 高清MV迅雷下载


MV名称:Till It Happens To You 1080P -- Lady Gaga
更新日期:2015-09-18 23:04:04




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好看的MV:Till It Happens To You 1080P -- Lady Gaga
Till It Happens To You 1080P -- Lady Gaga

Till It Happens To You 1080P 高清MV迅雷下载。聚焦校园性侵事件,Lady Gaga献唱纪录片!Lady Gaga为纪录片《猎场》(The Hunting Ground)献唱的主题曲「Till It Happens To You」官方MV首播,影片聚焦发生在校园中的强暴事件,面对这一令人沉重的题材,Gaga的歌声充满着些许悲切,却又蕴藏着一股力量。这样的痛苦如果没有降临在自己身上,我们永远无法切身体会。
Lady Gaga-Till It Happens To You 320K高音质音乐下载链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1o6lCD0Q 密码:qn7y
Till It Happens To You - Lady GaGa
You told me "it gets better, it gets better in time"
You say I'll hold myself together, pull it together
"You'll be fine"
Tell me what the hell do you know
What do you know
Tell me how the hell could you know
How! could you know
Till it happens to you, you don't know
How it feels
How it feels
Till it happens to you, you won't know
It won't be real
No It won't be real
Won't know how it feels
You tell me "hold your head up"
Hold your head up and be strong
Cause when you fall, you gotta get up
You gotta get up and move on"
Tell me, how the hell can you talk
How can you talk?
Cause until you walk where I walk
It's just no joke!
Till it happens to you, you don't know
How it feels
How it feels
Till it happens to you, you won't know
It won't be real (how could you know?)
No It won't be real (how could you know?)
Won't know how I feel
Till your world burns and crashes
Till you're at the end, the end of your rope
Till you're standing in my shoes, I don't wanna hear a thing or two
From you, from you, cause you don't know
Till it happens to you, you don't know
How I feel
How I feel
How I feel
Till it happens to you, you won't know
It won't be real (how could you know?)
No It won't be real (how could you know?)
Won't know how it feels
Till it happens to you, happens to you
Happens to you
Happens to you, happens to you
Happens to you ( how could you know?)
Till it happens to you~~~
you won't know how I feel

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